Diffusion of Innovation

As part of the innovation continuum, diffusion is very important in spreading and marketing an invention to add value to it. Why?

Diffusion of Innovation is "The process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system". By innovation, it is understood that any idea or concept which has been introduced to the segment or the market is new. The next step we seek to do is to make sure that this innovation is spread through to the right segment targeted. Diffusion, the word it self talks about how any information or news or any thing is spread or passed on. But did we ever think of how the world would have been if not one would have introduced wheel? Well, this is the best example of invention and since we all know about it, may it be through our parents, teachers, or any other source, it is called diffusion.

Mechanism of Diffusion
Even though no decision is collective or authoritative, every single member of any social group has to look into their own decisions of innovations which allow five kinds of process:
  • Knowledge/Awareness - a man or a woman has an idea of how innovation functions because he/she is aware of it.
  • Persuasion/Interest - like or dislike, kind of attitude towards innovation is formed by a person.
  • Decision/Evaluation - adopt or reject innovation is the kind of decision made by a person because he/she involves in such activities that lead to this kind of decision.
  • Implementation/Trail - innovation is implemented or considered to be used by a person.
  • Confirmation/Adoption - because the results have been evaluated, people's decision is made to use innovation.
Most of the time it happens that, decision to use innovation depends heavily on the other systems of the social system or other segments of the group. In fact, empirically we see the successful spread of an innovation follows an S-shaped curved.

Elements of Diffusion
Innovation of diffusion has 4 main elements.
  • The innovation → any item, thought, or process that is viewed to be news by the consumer.
  • The communication → the process of the new idea traveling from one person to another or from on channel to the individual.
  • The social system → the group of individuals that together complete a specific goal (adoption).
  • Time → how long it takes for the group to adopt an innovation as well as the rate of adoption for individual.

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